Wednesday, June 9, 2010

5 things that I would have liked to see at Apple's WWDC

  1. OS X 10.7
    What's next after OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard? When would we get to see OS X 10.7? It would have been good to see the future road map of OS X. iOS 4 the one that runs on iPhone and iPad took away all the attention.

  2. iTunes on the cloud
    Apple bought a music on the cloud company by name Lala ( and shut it down on 31st May 2010 - a week before WWDC. I was thinking Jobs would come-up with an announcement of iTunes on the cloud concept. That did not happen!

  3.  iPhone on Verizon or Sprint 
    All of us have been wondering when iPhone is going to be available on any other network that AT&T in the US. That is going to be a HUGE game changer to stockholders and subscribers like wise. When is that going to happen? 2011? 2012???

  4. iTouch and iPad with a camera and an internal microphone
    Why will Apple not build iTouch with a internal microphone...that can turn iTouch to a phone with Wi-Fi available almost everywhere with say Skype or Vonage? A camera would also be good to have on a iTouch. Is this a marketing strategy to ensure that iPhone sales are not taken away by iTouch? I am guessing "Yes"

  5. Mac Mini? Mac TV? Mac Air?
    What is the future road map for these products? Any upgrades at all?


  1. Shouldn't it be 10.6 to 10.7, the OSX? Is it a mistake or have I mistaken?

  2. You are right. I stand corrected on my typo ;)

  3. Could u please add a flash to the camera on the list. I badly miss that feature.

  4. iPhone 4G comes with a built in LED flash :)
